Author Archives: admin


in News

Jetas turns 25!

In 2022, Jetas Quality systems AB turns 25 years old! Much has happened during these years, not least in terms of digital development. When Jetas started in 1997 we were the first in the market to offer a digitized case management system, time has shown that we were right when it came to mobile devices as an essential tool for those working in the field....

25 Aug 2022
in Public Transport

Phase 2 of 3 in the pilot project regarding digitization of work routines for public transport using AI and ML with Chalmers Industriteknik completed.

Phase two of three in the pilot project for the development of quality-assured and more efficient work routines in public transport with the help of AI and ML has now been completed. Together with Chalmers Industriteknik, we have produced a successful ‘Proof of Concept’ (PoC). We have evaluated the results and will now select a suitable partner for a 1-year pilot project to refine our...

16 Nov 2021
in News, Public Transport

Jetas pilot project for development of more efficient work routines using AI and ML with Chalmers Industrial Technology

Excerpts from ElectriCity: “Full-scale fully electrified bus traffic on several routes in Gothenburg, procurement of a record number of electric buses and countless tests. But also a broader scope focusing on, among other things, electrification of maritime traffic and construction sites, air quality studies and community planning. These are some of the results that came from the ElectriCity collaboration. ” In addition to this, ElectriCity...

26 May 2020
in News

Yearly pen-test performed on Jetas server and applications

We have had our yearly pen-test performed on Jetas server and applications. The inspection report is dated 2020-03-18 and showed that we do NOT have any critical vulnerabilities and only 1 deficiency of a more serious nature. Together with H2 Data AB, we have started to address this shortcoming. (It has to do with a protocol we use for communication to be upgraded to newer...

07 Apr 2020
in Public Transport

New partner, we welcome Saps!

Saps has signed a new agreement with Skånetrafiken regarding the operation and maintenance of stops and stations throughout Skåne. The agreement extends over a five-year period with an option for a further two-year extension. The contract sum is estimated to amount to approximately SEK 50-70 million over the contract period. Saps has about 200 employees across the country. From January 1, 2020, Saps will manage...

19 Nov 2019
in News

JETAS switches to electric cars!

JETAS has made a decision by the Board to use only EL-powered service cars from January 1, 2020. The cars that are replaced today produce about 8 tonnes of CO2 per year, by switching to electric cars that are only charged on green electricity, we eliminate the total emissions.

10 Oct 2019
in News

JETAS is partnering with iCore Solutions

  We are pleased to announce that as of October 1, 2019, we have chosen to partner with iCore Solutions for our integration solutions based on the iCore Integration Suite software. iCore is a Gothenburg-based company with around 50 employees and has been around since 1999. A selection of their customers are JULA, Bisnode, Grant Thornton, ESAB, MTR and Bergman & Beving. We are very...

20 Sep 2019
in News

New support-number from the 1st of May

From the 1st of May we will change the support number, our new number is (+46)721-64 59 59 You can always reach us via our mail, We’ll also introduce mobile switches, which means that there are now five people available in support during Swedish office hours 09:00-17:o0 (GMT +1.0 (+2.0 summer time)).

30 Apr 2019
in News

We welcome Toyota as a new client!

We are pleased to announce that from the turn of the year Toyota has chosen Jetas for quality assured operation, maintenance and error reporting of exterior and interior programs in their 87 car showrooms in Sweden. Toyota starts with two of its contractors, Brand Factory and Highway AB.

01 Jan 2019
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